Skype For Business Mac High Sierra
Hi all, I am facing some conenctivity issues with SfB and macOS - during 'conference' sessions and 1 to 1 sessions. Either my SfB clients drops entierly the connection or voice stops working for a few seconds. I have tried LAN cable and WiFI - both react the same way.
Of Receiver for Mac 12.8. Engineering have found an incompatibility in the formatting of the Receiver for Mac 12.8 configuration file, which breaks the RTME installer on macOS. The symptom of the issue is that the RTOP goes into fallback mode (server-side media processing).
Sometimes it works great for an hour, but somtime I get those problems multiple times in a row. From my point of view it is not related to my Internet conenction, because a remote session via CITRIX or even a ping to a host on the Internet is still working fine. I never had those issues before and I am running SfB on macOS now quite a while. Can this be related to macOS High Sierra, because that was really the only major change on my system recently. How does it work for others on High Sierra?
Regards, Sascha.
Hi vanchus, For this issue, please try to rebuild SFB profile and try to install the latest update for your MAC client. Here is a document about how to delete SFB cache file for MAC Note: Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you.
The sites are not controlled by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there. Please make sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any suggestions from the above link. Moreover, please also check if there is the same issue with your windows desktop client If all users had PPT sharing issue, it may be something wrong with SFB server side, so please check if there are event errors on office web app errors for your environment.
Hope this reply is helpful to you. Regards, Alice Wang Please remember to mark the replies as an answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact.
Mouse smoothing for mac sierra pro. Hi Alice, I'm having the exact same problem as vanchus, my Lync web-app shared screen just shows a blank screen after I ugpgraded to High Sierra. I've tried reinstalling the web app plugin as you suggested, yet it's still the same. The issue seems to exists cross-browsers too, I've tried using Safari and Google Chrome with the same result. My company meeting link is still hosted under Lync, and therefore I can't seem to join the meeting using Skype Meetings App or Skype For Business Webapp. When I open the link using Skype Meetings App, it just redirects me to the Lync Web App with the same issue. Also because my company uses internal credentials, I can't login using my company Skype for Business credentials from my mac.
Hence, Lync Webapp is the only way for me to join meeting using my mac. Could you please solve this issue as soon as possible? Cheers, Andrea.