Quickbooks For Mac 2014 Sierra

This discussion thread is to capture user's experiences with running QM2007 on High Sierra (macOS 10.13). Please record your info below, indicating what issues or successes you are having. (Note that other threads are dealing compatibility with High Sierra and current versions of QMac, e.g.

But QuickBooks’ new paint job isn’t the only thing that’s changed about the app. QuickBooks for Mac offers a number of small new improvements that should help enhance the application’s.

QM2015, QM2016 and QM2017). Please keep this thread for QM2007 ONLY! To help everyone, please indicate the following: - are you using the new APFS drive format or the legacy HFS+ (Mac OS Extended format)? Not sure, or go to - is your data file stored on the APFS or HFS+ formatted drive?

So far, early reports suggest that QM2007 works with High Sierra. One exception that has surfaced is backups. As reported in and, it seems that QM2007 generates error messages when trying to create an automated backup, refusing to create one. This has only been reported using the new APFS drive format so far. No reports have confirmed if the same problem is occurring with HFS+. Also, no reports have been made yet regarding manual backups using either the File > Backup to Disk. or the File > Save a Copy. menu option.

(If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.). Susan, simply upgrading to High Sierra shouldn't have affected your Quicken 2007 data file. The only known issue with Quicken 2007 on High Sierra is that the automated backups stop working.

So, as @smayer97 suggests, the Quicken 2007 data file you were using should still be on your Mac somewhere. Not the backups, but the original Quicken 2007 data file -- the one you successfully entered your 2017 data into after you updated to High Sierra. I'm confused, because you said you can't find your Quicken file, but you also said you ran the re-indexing process; was that on a pre-High Sierra backup? If so, of course it won't bring back the data you entered recently, because you said you entered that data after upgrading to High Sierra. So I'm still curious about what happened to the Quicken data file you were using. Files just don't typically vanish into thin air.

Have you searched for files ending in.qdfm? (Post back if you don't know how to do this.). Crossover games. Hi Susan: Usually by default the Quicken Backup Folder is here: Finder:Documents:Quicken Or as others have suggested, go to new finder and put.qdfm in the search window for the whole. Your Quicken file you've been working in must be there, unless you have it on an external drive that's connected. When you quit Quicken the latest file, the backups are usually named something like '1Susan.qdfm' (or whatever name you had for your entire Quicken file that has all your accounts in it.). Hope this helps.

One thing to point out. You state that you share your info with your accountant. Note that reports in QM2018 still greatly fall short of what QM2007 can do, and may not satisfy your accountant. So that is one area you will have to check out to make sure it meets your needs, or that work-arounds work for you, e.g. Exporting data or report to Excel. Otherwise, you will need to continue using QM2007 until QM2018+ catches up.

(If you find this reply helpful, please be sure to click 'Like', so others will know, thanks.). This issue appears to be automatic backup to new filesystem (APFS). Automatic backups are compressed and APFS does not support the compression scheme requested by Quicken 2007. Console log reports: Quicken 2007[3148]: /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleFSCompression/AppleFSCompression-96.1.1/Common/ChunkCompression.cpp:50: Error: unsupported compressor 8Automatic backups to non APFS filesystems have a similar error. When you manually backup to disk, it does not appear to attempt the same compression & therefore does not issue an error.

I am posting this again so it is in the proper thread - - So - - I went to the Apple Store this afternoon with my laptop and external HD and it was suggested to me that I would be better off to go back to Sierra. I was told that if I added a partition, I would need to go back and forth from the partition every time I went off of Quicken and on to other things, as in email, etc.