Cannot Log Into Shared Calendar On Outlook For Mac
Can't edit a shared calendar in Outlook on Windows. Even if you've reconnected your account to Outlook on Windows, you cannot edit calendars shared with you if you're using Outlook on Windows. We're working on making shared calendars editable in Outlook 2016 for Windows and Outlook 2016 for Mac in future updates.
Hi I am having this problem: However the work arounds do not work for me. I am a personal user trying to add my google calendar with the private url. I do not have the option to uncheck 'group inboxes' and there are no shared calendars available to me. I have Outlook for Mac v15.33 (170403) I have four email accounts, including my gmail one, setup via IMAP. Any help would be much appreciated. Hi Jsmp01, Thanks for choosing Outlook 2016 for Mac.
First of all, I’d like to know more details about the shared Gmail calendar. Is the calendar in your Gmail account? If yes, we recommend that you upgrade your Outlook client to a later version.
Recently, we have released a new feature called Google preview that synchronizes your Gmail account’s calendar with the Outlook client. At this time, Google Preview is published in Version 15.36 (Insider fast channel).
If the Gmail calendar is not in your Gmail account, please import the calendar into your Gmail account in the web application and then configure your Gmail account on the Outlook client via Google Preview to see if it helps. If you don’t want to upgrade your Outlook client to an insider fast channel, it’s not feasible to import a Gmail calendar to Outlook client. Microsoft word on macbook. Please wait for this feature to be published to your current channel.
Regards, Barry.