Google Calendar Not Showing Up In Outlook 2016 For Mac

Microsoft is inviting Outlook 2016 users on macOS to preview Google Calendar integration. Users will have the ability to not only view their appointments, but add, edit, and delete them, too.

I'm using Outlook 2016 on my mac connecting to office 365. I can add shared calendars fine, and most calendars work absolutely without an issue for calendars that have permissions set to User = Default, Role = Reviewer. But on some calendars where the Properties are set to User = Default, Role = Free/Busy, time, subject, location (i.e. The owner of the calendar doesn't want me to see the notes on the meeting), I can't see any appointments at all. It simply shows a blank calendar. When I use Outlook 2013 on Windows with the same account, I can see the calendar entries for that use just fine. Does anyone have a pointer on how to make Outlook 2016 respect the privacy settings of the shared calendar but still display the appointments as it should?

Outlook 2011 users must be granted 'Reviewer' access to another person's calendar to be able open that calendar and view details. If a user sets permission levels only to allow free/busy or free/busy limited details, an Outlook 2011 user will not be able to see any details of the shared calendar.

PC users must grant 'full details' to the Outlook 2011 user. Mac users must grant the 'Reviewer' role to Outlook 2011 users.

Vlc media player for macbook. Basic free/busy time viewing is only viewable via the Outlook 2011 Scheduling Assistant feature, or via OWA. (Note: Outlook 2011 users who have a 'Reviewer' role may also be able to select another users name within the Send As / From drop down menu. Unless you have explicit permissions to Create Items within the selected users mailbox, Exchange will not allow you to send on the behalf of that person). Above is true for Outlook 2016.

Google Calendar Not Showing Up In Outlook 2016 For Mac

My client is using the latest build of Outlook 2016 for Mac, and in addition to his corporate O365 account calendar, he views/edits a Google Calendar in his Outlook profile. He's recently reported that performance in Outlook, when he switches from another folder to his calendar, is bad - when he clicks the calendar button it can take up to 2 min to switch over. He also noticed that, if he de-selects the Google Calendar by clearing the checkbox in the calendar view the issue doesn't exist. I'm not very versed in Google Calendar support so looking for any input. The calendar has over 5000 items, not sure if that's related.