How Do You Seach For Duplicate Transactions In Quicken For Mac
Blend Images/JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty Images Select transactions to move to another account in Quicken two ways: • To select one transaction in Quicken: click on the transaction once with your mouse. • To select multiple transactions: click on the first transaction you wish to move, then hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while you click on the remaining transactions. Release the Ctrl key when you are finished selecting transactions. You'll know a transaction is selected because it will be shaded after you select it. Note: You cannot move Quicken transactions in investment accounts because they do not have a register like all other do. Moving multiple transactions at once is supported in. The Move to Account selection tool will pop up in Quicken. Open a list of your accounts by clicking on the down arrow to the right of the box labeled with the account name.
Select the Quicken account you want to move the transaction to from the drop-down list. Easy video editing software for mac. If you have several accounts, you'll need to either use the up/down keyboard arrows to select the account, or you can use your mouse with the slider bar to the right of the box containing the account names.
Click OK to select the Quicken account you want to move your transaction to. Your transactions are now removed from the account they were in previously and are now recorded in the new Quicken account you selected.
I've had some of these, too. My impression is that there is something wrong at the bank - something minor and self-correcting. I've just deleted the duplicates and they've not reappeared. I said 'at the bank', but it might well be in the transmissions between BofA and Quicken. As you know, I'm not very familiar with networking stuff, either here in my own home office or in the 'cloud' or in the financial transaction data transmission world.
Into Quicken Essentials. IMPORTANT: Do NOT select “ADD” under the action column. Click Continue. NOTE: Express Web Connect users may experience a 2-3 day delay before the service is reactivated. NOTE: Duplicate Transactions – There is a possibility that you may experience duplicate transactions in your register after account reactivation. Duplicate transactions after completing reactivation. If your register is out of balance or you are being asked to add an adjustment during reconciliation. Specific steps/recommendations are below: Quicken. Note: There is a preference that is available in Quicken for Windows, “Automatically add downloaded transactions to register”.
But this glitch seems to me like the kinds of mistakes that I make pretty often, find and fix and forget about. My guess is that some link in the chain lost track of what it had downloaded so it did it again, and that simply deleting the duplicates is all that we need to do on our end. Maybe it's sunspots?;^} Our TV reception was messed up for several hours last night.