Excel 2017 For Mac Strikethrough I Toolbar

One of the most confusing aspects of using Excel on Mac is about Excel Shortcuts. Best web browser for mac os. Well, many of the shortcuts in Excel that you use with the Ctrl key on a Windows keyboard is compatible with the Ctrl key for Mac in Excel 2016.

As of Office 2016, Microsoft has not implemented the Alt-shortcuts for the ribbon. However, there are several dozen other shortcuts that can be used on the Mac. You didn't ask for any specific shortcut so I won't list any here. Also, there are so many that it would be impracticle to list them out.

I know we try to avoid 'link-only' answers but in this case there's no way around it. Here are a few very comprehensive lists of all the Office shortcuts for Mac, including where you can use the excellent Accessibility features on the Mac: • •. These are very similar shortcuts for all Office apps, too.

Bottom line: Learn 17+ Excel shortcuts to help you work faster in the new year. Skill level: Beginner 17 Excel Tips & Shortcuts There are an endless number of tips and shortcuts for Excel. I think that is what makes it so fun and challenging.

So, I wanted to start 2017 off with 17 Excel tips & shortcuts that will save you time with your job. The following tips are in no particular order. These are just some of the most popular tips from the Excel Campus and, and some of my favorites.

Please at the end of the post with a favorite tip of your own. We can never have enough Excel tips! 🙂 Update: I also have a new post on. So make sure to check that one out if you are interested in learning how to automate your Excel tasks. Note: All the shortcuts below will work on the Windows versions of Excel from 2007 and beyond, unless specified otherwise.

I added notes at the bottom of each tip for the Mac equivalent shortcut where applicable. Download the Guide Here is a printable PDF version of the article. (624.6 KB) #1 – Make a Duplicate Copy of a Worksheet This first one I use A LOT. Especially when I want create a backup copy of a sheet, or duplicate a sheet so I can make changes without screwing up the original.

The quickest way I've found to make a duplicate copy of a sheet is to: • Left-click and hold on the sheet you want to copy. • Press and hold the Ctrl key. A plus symbol will appear in the sheet mouse icon.

• Drag the sheet to the right until the down arrow appears to the right of the sheet. • Release the left mouse button. Then release the Ctrl key.

It sounds like a lot, but once you get the hang of it you will wonder how you ever lived without this trick. It's much faster than right-clicking the tab and going to the Move or Copy menu. You can also first select multiple sheets with the Shift key, then use the same method to copy multiple sheets at the same time.

My also has a feature that adds a command to the sheet tab's right-click menu to make a duplicate copy of the sheet with one click. Bonus tip: This Ctrl & Drag method also works to make duplicate copies of shapes or charts. Select a shape/chart and then hold Ctrl while moving it. Release the mouse button and a copy of the object will be placed on the sheet. Release the Ctrl key after releasing the mouse button. I recently shared this tip on the MyExcelOnline podcast.