Excel 16.15 For Mac Is A Total Piece Of Shit
I miss word 5.1 for Mac, it was a truly great piece of software, it went to shit after that when Microsoft merged the Mac and Windows versions of the software nd you got the worst of both worlds and a animated paperclip. Yamaha custom driver for mac os. Excel on Mac in Terrible, absolutely terrible. I sold my iMac and got a PC after I got fed-up dealing with the damn excel on Mac. On top of that incompatibility is still an issue with macs in the business world. Save your money, get a PC, or don't and get a much more powerful PC that costs the same as a slow Mac.
I don't even know where to begin. Bulleting and numbering is the most poorly coded piece of GUI i've ever had the displeasure of dealing with. The damn thing indents and re-spaces like it's haunted. It changes type in random areas. Typefaces and typesizes do not look consistent throughout a document. Why does it suck so miserably bad??
And it's like, the standard that everyone uses? I'm writing a 90 page specification book and this thing drives me bonkers every job! What do other people use for spec writing?? Please.help me out of this awful sisyphean nightmare!! Word works fine for specs, you just have to figure out how to use it if for some reason you're typing from scratch here's my suggestion.
Type everything in a list, w/ no bullets, numbering, indentation, etc. 'select all' (Ctrl+A) and make sure your font is the the same throughout (you will know this b/c up in the menu you will see let's say 'times new roman' and '12' or whatever, if you do NOT see this, then click on the little arrow and a drop down of the fonts will allow you to choose, choose your font. Same for font size. Next, go to the 'bullets and numbering' option under the 'format', a dialogue box will pop up which allows you to control how your numbering system will work, choose your format and font. Now, item by item go down your file and hit the indent icon, the trick here is that you need to hit it one time per layer of indent, ie, if it's 'A' you hit it once, if it's '1.' You hit it twice, 'a.' 3 times, '1)' 4 times, etc.
Word should automatically number down the document. You may have to occasionally select part of the text, go back up to the bullets and numbers option and tell the dialogue box to begin new or something like that there are easier ways to do this, but you've got to know word pretty well and it's just way to annoying to explain via written word. If you get stuck, help can be pretty usefull, you just have to learn how to ask the question, which if you ask enough, you'll begin to learn how to do that try asking it about styles, those came in extremely handy once i discovered them. Chaos - you sure you don't work for billy gates??
Don't get me wrong, i use word all the time. I understand that i can ctrl+a and globally change font size. I appreciate the tutoring session, and the check's in the mail. But the truth is.as far as apps go, word sucks. End of story. You just said so yourself.
'now, item by item go down your file and hit the indent icon, the trick here is that you need to hit it one time per layer of indent, ie, if it's 'A' you hit it once, if it's '1.' You hit it twice, 'a.' 3 times, '1)' 4 times, etc. Word should automatically number down the document. You may have to occasionally select part of the text, go back up to the bullets and numbers option and tell the dialogue box to begin new or something like that' that's a completely f'ed up way to run a program.
It's like saying that in order to choose everything on your drawing board that's magenta, you'll have to carefully, layer by layer, go in and select them one by one, and then carefully add one indent per line to change them to green, and then two indents per line to change them to yellow, and blah blah blah. Quality software is intuitive. Word is a piece of crap. No one here has changed my mind. Thanks for listening though. And thanks for the tip oldfogey.i'll look in to that.
All of my equipment, lighting and hardware schedules are based on database anyways.no reason the written spec can't be either i guess. And hey smoke - what's the problem making a pdf??
That seems to be no problem? You run mac or windows? You have acrobat pro? Word DOES suck. It won't render fonts correctly on the screen, the GUI is retarded--it was obviously designed by a) people with absolutely zero design training and sense, and no understanding of the importance of hierarchy and b) people who apparently don't write the same kinds of documents the rest of us do and therefore believe we need a completely different set of icons and tools than we really do, burying the tools we DO use EVERY DAY in arcane sub-menus that are difficult to find. Since high school I have used InDesign (well, originally Aldus PageMaker) to lay out every document in my life.