Adobe Cs2 Compatibility Os X

As you may be aware, Apple announced the availability of OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion). We’re happy to report that the team began testing and with OS X 10.8 as soon as it became available to developers. We have worked closely with Apple to review Adobe Creative Suite 5, 5.5 and CS6 editions and individual products for impact on reliability, performance and user experience. Earlier versions of Adobe Photoshop® (CS3 and CS4), Lightroom 4.1, 4.0 and earlier software were also tested and there are currently no known issues. If you have questions about compatibility, we’ve created an as a guide. We’ll be on the lookout for further input from you via our. Enjoy the benefits of this new OS!

Hi Pete To add to my original post, I do save to a network and have tried saving locally to the desktop with more success. Also, a new phenomenon is that the Photoshop desktop controls “ghost” when saving and, again, cause a crash, and the only way out is to re-boot the Mac – the Force Quit function will not work on the Photoshop crash.

I am having similar problems with Acrobat/Pitstop, but in this case the program crashes when exporting (to EPS) and like Photoshop the file saves OK – but this only crashes the program and not the system. Hope this helps.

Prices are inclusive of VAT (5%) but exclusive of delivery charges unless otherwise indicated. The order form shows you the VAT payable on the products you select. To learn about OS X software compatibility of Mac software in general, one resource is the Roaring Apps database. It lists OS X software and its reported compatibility with the last few versions of OS X, and it’s crowdsourced from user reports which are said to vary in reliability.

Regards Mervyn. I am running 10.8.2 with Photoshop CS5 and bamboo tablet. The cursor disappears continually when I use brushes and other palettes. I’ve found that if I can hit any other application icon in the dock then hit the Ps icon again my curson reappears and I can select brushes, layers, tools again – for a FEW seconds till it again disappears.

This is awful. My work flow is way hampered. Sentinel driver for mac pro. It’s a big deal and I have seen this problem discussed on other blogs and forums. Back tracking to Snow Leopard is NOT much of a fix. PLEASE give me some ideas or encouragement – is a fix coming soon??? PhotoShop 5.5 crashes anytime I try and open a psd file locally.

I noticed this first with psd files over the network so I tried doing the files locally instead. No such luck. (Java is installed and current) STEPS TO REPRODUCE: Open Photoshop Browse to psd file Open File opens and PS immediately crashes.